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How Mitch McConnell Broke The Process For Naming A New Supreme Court Justice | MSNBC
McConnell: 'Overwhelming Precedent' to Vote on SCOTUS Pick Before Election
McConnell vows to block a Biden Supreme Court nominee if GOP wins back Senate
Sen. Mitch McConnell vowed to vote on Supreme Court nomination this year | WNT
Slowing the Republican's Sprint to Name a New Supreme Court Justice Nominee to Fill RGB's Seat
McConnell: Next President Should Nominate Justice
What Mitch McConnell has said about filling Supreme Court vacancies
Mitch McConnell: "Highly Unlikely" I'll Allow Biden to Appoint a Supreme Court Justice
Sen. Mitch McConnell on confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh
McConnell: 'We Have An Obligation' To Advance Supreme Court Nomination | MSNBC
Why Did Pro-Court-Packing Radicals Want Judge Jackson Specifically?
Mitch McConnell Is Sacrificing Weak Republican Senators To Steal Another SCOTUS Seat